Tips on How to Avoid Injuries When Jogging

Millions of people globally enjoy jogging as a way to stay healthy. Unfortunately, many of them get injured while participating in this activity. Kanat Sultanbekov offers some tips you can follow to reduce the risk of sustaining an injury while jogging outside.

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Before anything else, it is essential to know the possible jogging injuries. The common ones include blisters, pain and inflammation in the shin, soft tissue injuries, bone injuries, and skin injuries. Joggers also must be wary of runner's knee, which is the condition wherein the cartilage behind or around the top of the kneecap is affected by physical exertion.

Warming up before jogging is key to preventing any of these injuries. The warmup should include slow, dynamic, and sustained stretches so that the muscles in the lower limbs have increased flexibility. Additionally, some experts or professionals recommend performing strength exercises at least thrice a week. Kanat Sultanbekov explains that it can improve an individual's fitness and prepare the heart for increased physical activity.

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The right attire is also advised. Possibly the most important clothing article that every jogger should prioritize is shoes. An incorrect pair can increase the likelihood of various injuries, such as blisters, shin pain, and bone injuries. While you do not have to break the bank to own appropriate clothing for jogging, wearing something comfortable that protects you from the elements can lower the risk of sustaining injuries and overheating.
Studying the jogging path before heading out can also play a huge role in avoiding injuries. Check if the surface is too hard or slippery to jog on. For instance, too hard of a surface can result in lower limb injuries. Make sure also to jog in well-lit areas to avert accidents.

Lastly, get adequate rest following a jogging session. Ensure you can recharge physically and mentally, especially when your chosen path is challenging. If you experience sore muscles after a jog, consider a professional massage.

Do you agree with this list? If you know other tips, share them with other readers through the comment section. Follow this Kanat Sultanbekov Twitter page for more readings on jogging.


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